Rae Dunn Font is a contemporary artist originating from California and still practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area. She used to practice graphic and fashion design but she was introduced to pottery making in 1994 and has not looked back since. Rae has a collection of pottery for sale across the country.
Rae likes nature and the aesthetics of minimalism, organic shapes and found objects in her environment. Her works of art can be said to relate to simplicity in life – she has studied painting, piano playing, globe-trotting as a pianist/painting collaborationist/painter/pianist who draws influences from many forms of art/culture and has created very beautiful yet simple pieces of art that are rooted in this beauty.
Rae Dunn in her designs incorporates Skinny Font, an American Typewriter font family from Justine Lazo via the Jusebox with fantastic ligatures and numerals for the sophistication in the typography.
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