F37 Atlantic Font

F37 Atlantic Font

F37 Atlantic Font Family: There’s something a little fishy about F37 Atlantic, which manages to be simultaneously curvaceous and spiky, mimicking the peaks, troughs and juxtaposing patterns of the wavy seas.

Inspired by Herb Lubalin’s 1972 ITC Serif Gothic font, we’ve exaggerated and emphasised the ocean-going elements, with swooshes or wave-like features on selected spurs and terminals, breaking up the sturdy and otherwise classic geometric strokes. Strong, bold curvature is contrasted with sharp, pointy details. Swooshes abound.

The letterforms mimic the movement and rolling motion of the sea as words form and break. F37 Atlantic is available in five weights as well as italics. We’ve also created a series of more ‘out-there’ alternate letters, including a double-storey a. We’re convinced this is a font that’s going to float many designers’ boats.


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