Calibri Font is a sans-serif typeface family which was created by Luc(as) de Groot between 2002 and 2004 and was released in 2007 as part of Microsoft Office 2007 and Windows Vista. Upon its release Times New Roman became the default font in Word, Arial replaced Times New Roman as the primary typeface in PowerPoint, Excel Outlook and WordPad and as described by de Groot it has ‘soft and warm characteristics’.
Calibri is among the Clear Type Font Collection developed by Microsoft which includes a number of fonts designed by different designers and released in Windows Vista operating system. All of the fonts have a ‘C’ in their name to show that they were created to be used in conjunction with their Microsoft Clear Type text rendering engine which enhances the readability of text on liquid crystal display screens. Other fonts in this same group include Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia and Corbel.
Calibri Font Preview
Personal use only