Verdana Font

Verdana Font

Verdana Font is a humanist sans serif typeface designed by Matthew Carter for Microsoft Corporation and the font was finalized by hand by Thomas Rickner at Monotype. Virginia Howlett from the typographic team of Microsoft understood the requirement of such a font, so Steve Ballmer asked Virginia to create it; the name is derived from the word verdant (green), and Ana, the name of Howlett’s daughter.

Verda was created as a part of the humanist sans-serif type family like Frutiger for computer displays of rather low resolution for its time to ensure the clear and easy-to-read text at small sizes. Like other fonts in this particular category, Verdana has a large size of x-height, or tall lowercase letters, wider proportions, and a more slack letter-spacing style than some printed fonts such as Helvetica.

To differentiate between various strokes of one, wide apertures and counters have been incorporated, and to enhance the legibility of body texts, similar appearing letters have been designed to stand out.

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